Image of Upstart Blogging Consultation

Upstart Blogging Consultation


What if what you love - Blogging!!! - could be your job? And yes, that is a completely serious question.

** A degree in the business of blogging, per say. **

The goal of this blogging consulation is to give you the tools, training, and skills to grow your blog into a profitable + sustainable business, whatever your blogging niche might be.

What the consulation includes:

1) Real advice and direction from a professional blogger. Victoria will look at your site, analyze your goals and current trajectory, and provide you with a personalized brand growth action plan. Victoria takes her years of experience and success and seeks to apply it personally to you and growing your blogging business.

2) A personalized 20 page PDF business plan which will act as a road map to get you from where you are right now to where you want your business and blog to be. We will cover everything from establishing your voice and branding your work, to designing your space, marketing yourself, and making profit from what you have created

3) A 1/2 hour phone consulation with Victoria that will include encouragement and expert guidance for what you have to offer, how you can best sell it, and what you can do to begin earning a profit doing what you love.


This course is taught by Victoria Hudgins, author of A Subtle Revelry, launching Editorial Director for the Altitude Design Summit blog, founding editor of Styled. magazine and author of Materially Craftted.